I don’t know who needs to hear this but, the biggest thing holding you back from your next level of success is…

Your belief system. This may be news to you or it may be something you’ve heard before. Either way, it is well worth repeating. This understanding can be a huge game changer.

You may consciously think, “Yes, of course, I can have X or achieve Y” but your subconscious mind can actually be holding on to all kinds of things. Like things the mean kids at school said to you or the environment you grew up in. You might have consciously moved on but those moments were still impactful and can have a lasting effect on your subconscious mind. 

And your subconscious mind kind of runs the show.

Your subconscious learns things like “I’m not good enough,” ”I’ll never be popular enough,” “I’ll never have enough followers to have a successful business,” or ”People like me will never make the kind of money I need to live comfortably, never mind luxuriously.

Stressed woman staring at her computer with a hand on her head

So, here’s the thing:


If you don’t address these beliefs and change your old patterns, you will always be subconsciously self-sabotaging your success. It can look as simple as “I have this great idea for a business, I’m ready to get started.” And you do, so you buy a website domain, maybe you even set that all up. 


But you never actually tell anyone about it. Or you mention it once and you think, “Okay, everyone knows now, if they want what I offer they can message me.” 


The underlying beliefs here are things like 

  • I’m not good enough…
  • Who would want to buy from me?… 
  • There are way more qualified people than me… 
  • Who am I to think I have anything better to say?…
  • What if people laugh at me or think this is stupid?…
  • I’ll never make enough money in this business anyway, so what’s the point of even advertising…

They go on… 


You can have more than one belief keeping you from moving forward or taking action. Your mind is a complex place and not everything is as straightforward as taking care of one belief and then you’re problem is solved.


Sometimes, you end up with multiple thoughts affecting something and one of those thoughts affects another one so you have to deal with the first one to deal with the other one. Everything is connected.


I talk a lot about releasing these limiting beliefs and after putting in the work to release them there’s a point you get to where you fully believe things like “Large amounts of money are on their way to me right now” — and you truly know that they are. 


You trust that everything is working out for you even if it doesn’t feel like it. You move easily through lessons and tests, which challenge you to behave in a way different than you would have before. 


It’s when you get to this belief point where everything starts to work out for you. You can see it all click together. 


It’s the best feeling!


P.S. If you want help reframing your thoughts and beliefs, there’s an entire module dedicated to discovering and being in awareness inside the brand-new Manifestation Blueprint.

Along with 20+ other tools, workbooks, journals and bite-sized lessons, you will learn my step-by-step manifestation strategy with proven results.

And it’s only $9!
