Self-sabotage is a force that is strong and that many of us struggle with daily.

Self-sabotage exists and is powerful enough to stop you before you even get started. It’s frustrating and overwhelming and gets in the way of us reaching the goals we know are well within our ability to reach.

We all have our own model of reality (our programming). It’s how you see the world based on your beliefs, unique experiences, memories, etc. We can call this your “comfort zone.” Your comfort zone is the place where your brain likes you to stay, where it’s comfortable. 

To change something in your reality, you must step outside your comfort zone. The problem is your subconscious thinks anything new or changing is “unsafe.” When you start to try to make changes, your brain sees that as a threat and lays the self-sabotage on thick. It’s safer to stay within your comfort zone, keep the status quo and not change things.

Trying to make change at the conscious level doesn’t go far because your subconscious is running the deepest layers of your mind, like software on a computer.

Consciously, you think, “I want to make more money,” so you consider starting a business, getting a promotion, joining a social marketing company or trying manifesting. Since all of these are “new” and outside your comfort zone, your subconscious is like, “hell no!” The self-sabotage slides in, pretending to be your best friend, looking out for your best interest.

What You Need To Know About Why You Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage shows up as excuses or limiting decisions like:

  • I don’t have time to start a business
  • I don’t have the skills
  • No one will hire me
  • If my boss was going to promote me, they would have already
  • I’m not good enough
  • Others are more well-liked and will get the promotion
  • People will judge me
  • I don’t know enough people to make sales
  • I don’t want to be seen, so I can’t talk about the products
  • Money doesn’t come out of nowhere; you have to work hard for it
  • Even if I manifested money, it would be gone fast


So you never get started.

You don’t take the leap.

You never have to feel discomfort.


But you also never grow, make change or live a bigger, more expanded life. Self-sabotage and our subconscious aren’t actually guiding us to make the best choices, just the ones with the least amount of change and uncertainty.

The biggest joke about the whole thing is I bet living in your “comfort zone” isn’t really comfy at all.

  • I’m willing to bet you panic when your bank account is low. 
  • You feel blah in your body because you have no energy or clarity. 
  • The lack of confidence makes you feel awful because you’re always second-guessing yourself.
  • You find yourself with comparisonitis.
  • You don’t feel content in your life.
What You Need To Know About Why You Self-Sabotage

So, here are 10 things you should know about self-sabotage and why it happens:

  1. Fear of Failure: Self-sabotage often stems from a deep-seated fear of failing, leading to undermining efforts to avoid potential disappointment.
  2. Low Self-Esteem: When someone doesn’t believe in their worth or abilities, they may unconsciously hinder their success to align with their negative self-view.
  3. Perfectionism: The need for everything to be perfect can cause paralysis or procrastination, preventing progress.
  4. Comfort Zones: Change can be intimidating, and self-sabotage keeps individuals in familiar, albeit unproductive, situations.
  5. Past Trauma: Unresolved emotional trauma can trigger self-sabotaging behaviours as a protective mechanism against perceived threats.
  6. Negative Thought Patterns: Persistent negative thinking can erode motivation and reinforce self-doubt.
  7. Fear of Success: Success can bring new expectations and pressures, which some might find daunting, leading them to sabotage their efforts.
  8. Imposter Syndrome: Feeling unworthy of success can cause people to self-sabotage to avoid being “exposed” as a fraud.
  9. Control Issues: Some self-sabotage to maintain a sense of control, even if it means controlling their own failure.
  10. Subconscious Beliefs: Deep-rooted beliefs about what one deserves or is capable of can drive self-sabotaging actions, often without conscious awareness.


Understanding these underlying factors is the first step toward breaking the cycle of self-sabotage and fostering personal growth.

Check out this Instagram reel for more great info!


So, what level of discomfort do you want to live on? The one you know isn’t serving your highest self, or the unknown which could 10x your happiness?


If you’re looking for more energy, more time, more success, to show up the way you know you can in the world, to feel your best, to be your best and get rid of the self-sabotage that is holding you back from all you know you can accomplish, then check out the Healthy Girl Summer Glow-Up.


Join this challenge and get:

✅ INSANE amounts of energy so that you can actually get all the things you want to do done.
✅ 100% confident in WHO you are and HOW you show up
✅ The ability to focus only on the things that make you FEEL GOOD and let go of the rest

Join the Highest Self Academy today to get the Healthy Girl Summer Glow-Up challenge (cancel anytime).
