This summer, let’s increase your confidence and Queen energy using this quick meditation that you can easily implement into your daily routine.

Meditation is a powerful tool for improving confidence as it helps you connect with your inner self, crush negative self-talk and cultivate a positive mindset. By practicing mindfulness, you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, allowing you to manage them more effectively. 

This heightened self-awareness helps break down self-doubt and build up your self-esteem. Techniques such as visualization and affirmations during meditation can reinforce positive beliefs about yourself, empowering you to face challenges with greater assurance and confidence. Regular meditation also fosters resilience, clarity and a stronger sense of self-worth.

Developing a daily meditation practice can help you improve in so many areas of your life, changing your mindset and helping you show up as your highest self in your regular life.

When you focus on stepping into your life with confidence and Queen energy, your dreams become your reality and the work to get there gets easier. But you need to first believe in your Queen-ness.

Curious how mediation can improve your confidence? Dive deeper here!

The best meditation for gaining confidence and Queen energy this summer

Try this meditation to help you boost your confidence and step into your Queen Energy

First: Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably without being disturbed. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and let your body relax. This meditation will help you connect with your inner strength, confidence and embody your Queen energy.

Meditation Script:

“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel yourself sinking deeper into a relaxing state. Imagine a golden light surrounding you, warm and protective, filling you with a sense of calm and peace.

Visualize yourself standing in a beautiful, serene place, a place where you feel completely safe and at ease. Where is a place that you feel happy and completely at ease in? This is your personal sanctuary.

As you stand there, see a regal, powerful version of yourself approaching. She is confident, strong and radiates Queen energy. This is your highest self, the embodiment of your true power and potential.

She stands tall, her posture regal, her eyes filled with wisdom and compassion. This Queen version is perfect. She has unlimited confidence, she has grace, she knows how to make decisions and solve problems. She is always successful at whatever she sets her mind to. Feel her presence, and know that she is you.

Now, imagine stepping into her, merging with this powerful version of yourself. Feel her strength become your strength, her confidence your confidence. All of her traits become yours.

Take a moment to feel this transformation. Know that you have always had this Queen energy within you, waiting to be embraced.

As you stand merged with the Queen version of you, repeat these affirmations silently or out loud:

  • I am confident and powerful.
  • I embrace my Queen energy.
  • I trust in my ability to achieve my goals.
  • I am worthy of all the good things in life.

Feel these words resonating with every cell in your body, anchoring this newfound confidence within you.

Now, imagine that instead of being inside this Queen, the Queen becomes you. She binds to every cell in your body, and instead of her standing there, you are standing there: regal, confident, empowered and ready to own your life and become your highest self.

When you are ready, take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes, carrying this Queen energy with you into your day.”


This meditation is a powerful tool to reconnect with your inner strength and confidence. Practice it regularly to reinforce your Queen energy and step boldly into your true power.

Looking to dive deeper into this Queen energy and become your highest self? Join the Highest Self Academy today to get access to live embodiment calls, embrace this best version of yourself, and show up in your life like the Queen you are.

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