Your beliefs and mindset play a crucial role in shaping your reality, particularly regarding your perceptions of money and success.

Join me as I discuss how understanding the workings of your brain and mindset can empower you to rewire limiting beliefs and create a more prosperous life with my guest, Stacy Townsend.

Dive into each concept from today’s episode:

The Role of Conditioning in your beliefs and mindset

Stacy discusses how your beliefs about money are often rooted in the conditioning you receive from a young age. Growing up in a middle-class environment, many individuals are taught that wealth is unattainable or that desiring more is greedy. This conditioning creates a lens through which we view the world, limiting our understanding of what is possible.

These beliefs can include notions like “money is hard to come by,” “wealth is for others,” or “wanting more is greedy.” Stacey points out that these beliefs are often rooted in societal conditioning and can create a mental barrier to financial success. By understanding how these beliefs were formed, individuals can begin to dismantle them and create new, empowering narratives.


Understanding the Brain

This episode emphasizes the importance of understanding how your brain functions. Your brain is wired for protection and tends to resist change, which can hinder your ability to expand your mindset about money and success. Stacy explains that your mind is shaped by the conditioning you experience, particularly before the age of eight, when you are most impressionable. This conditioning forms neural pathways that dictate how you interpret your experiences and the world around you.

The Power of Subjectivity

One of the key takeaways from this discussion is the idea that everything we perceive is subjective. For instance, when Stacy looks at the Atlantic Ocean, she sees beauty and opportunity, while someone else might view it with fear due to past trauma. This subjectivity means that our beliefs influence our interpretations of events and situations. By shifting your mindset and the meaning you assign to your experiences, you can change your reality.

Creating New Neural Pathways to Shape Our Mindset

Stacy advocates for a solution-focused approach to overcoming limiting beliefs. Instead of dwelling on past traumas or negative experiences, she encourages you to focus on creating new neural pathways that support a mindset of abundance and possibility.

This involves recognizing when you are triggered by old beliefs and consciously choosing to respond differently. By doing so, you can diminish the power of limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.

The Importance of State

A significant aspect of Stacey’s work revolves around the concept of “state.” She explains that you create from your state of mind, which can either be rooted in fear and scarcity or in inspiration and possibility. She emphasizes that your emotional state influences your actions and, consequently, your results.

When you operate from a state of fear, doubt, or scarcity, you limit your potential and hinder your ability to attract opportunities. 

By cultivating a state of possibility, joy and confidence, you can attract opportunities and resources that align with your goals. This means actively working to maintain a positive mindset, especially before engaging in activities like networking or client meetings.

Listen to this week’s episode with Stacy Townsend about understanding how your beliefs and mindset impact your ability to reach your true potential and achieve financial freedom

Your beliefs and mindset significantly shape your reality, particularly regarding money and success. By understanding how your brain works and recognizing the conditioning that influences your beliefs, you can begin to rewire your thinking.

This process involves creating new neural pathways, focusing on solutions rather than problems, and cultivating a positive state of mind. Ultimately, by embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility, you can transform your relationship with money and achieve the success you desire.

The Importance of Mindset in Achieving Financial Freedom

In the podcast episode, Stacy emphasizes the critical role that mindset plays in achieving financial freedom, particularly for women entrepreneurs. She discusses how our beliefs and conditioning around money can significantly impact our ability to create the financial success we desire.

Understanding Money as a Resource

Stacy highlights that money is a collective agreement we have in our society, serving as a medium of exchange for value. It’s not merely about the money itself but what it enables you to do. Money can create opportunities for happiness and fulfillment, allowing you to enjoy experiences without the burden of financial stress. Recognizing this can shift your perspective on money from a source of anxiety to a tool for empowerment.

Creating New Neural Pathways

Stacy discusses the importance of not just releasing limiting beliefs but also creating new neural pathways that support a mindset of abundance. This involves recognizing when you are triggered by old beliefs and learning to respond differently.


Anchoring Techniques For Mindset Growth

Stacy introduces the concept of creating anchors—physical reminders or actions that help individuals access their desired state of mind. For example, tapping on a specific part of the body can trigger feelings of calm or confidence. This technique allows you to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for situations that may otherwise induce stress or self-doubt.

Surrounding Yourself with Expanders

Another crucial point made in the episode is the importance of surrounding yourself with people who have expansive views and beliefs about money. By engaging with those who have achieved financial success, you can begin to see what is possible for yourself. This exposure can help challenge and change limiting beliefs, fostering a more abundant mindset.

  • Influence of Role Models:
    • When you engage with people who have achieved the success you desire, you can see firsthand that it is possible. These role models serve as living proof that financial freedom and success are attainable. By observing their journeys, you can learn not only about the strategies they employed but also about the mindset shifts that facilitated their growth.
  • Challenging Limiting Beliefs:
    • Many people carry limiting beliefs about money and success, often rooted in their upbringing or societal conditioning. These beliefs can create a narrow view of what is achievable. By surrounding yourself with those who have expansive views, you can challenge and dismantle these limiting beliefs. 
  • Creating a Supportive Environment:
    • It is important to curate our social circles. Engaging with individuals who have a growth mindset and who celebrate each other’s successes can create a supportive environment. This environment fosters encouragement and motivation, making it easier to pursue our goals. You should actively seek out and follow people on social media who inspire you and demonstrate a larger vision for what is possible.
  • The Role of Energy:
    • Energy attracts or repels. When you are surrounded by people who embody positivity and success, their energy can uplift you and encourage you to adopt similar attitudes. Conversely, being around those who are negative or who reinforce limiting beliefs can hinder your progress. By consciously choosing to engage with expansive people, you can align your energy with the success you wish to achieve.

To implement this idea, the Stacey suggests practical steps such as:


  • Following Inspirational Figures: Actively seek out and follow role models on social media who exemplify the success you aspire to. This could include entrepreneurs, thought leaders or anyone who inspires you.
  • Engaging in Communities: Join groups or communities that focus on growth and success. This could be through networking events, workshops, or online forums where like-minded individuals gather.
  • Creating Accountability: Find a mentor or accountability partner who can help guide you and keep you motivated on your journey.


Surrounding yourself with expansive views and role models is a powerful strategy for shifting your mindset and unlocking new opportunities. By engaging with those who inspire you and challenge your limiting beliefs, you can create a more expansive reality for yourself, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfillment in your life.

Unlock your full potential: The Power of Beliefs and Mindset

The podcast episode underscores that achieving financial freedom is not solely about strategies and tactics; it is deeply rooted in mindset. By understanding the beliefs that hold you back, creating new neural pathways, and cultivating a positive emotional state, individuals can transform their relationship with money. This shift not only empowers you to pursue your financial goals but also enables you to live a more fulfilling and prosperous life.

Creating a Strong Connection with Our Higher Self for Manifestation and Financial Freedom

In the podcast episode, Stacy emphasizes the importance of connecting with your highest self as a crucial step in manifesting your desired outcomes and achieving financial freedom. This connection allows you to access a state of possibility, which is essential for creating the life you envision.

Techniques for Connecting with the Higher Self

  • Awareness of Triggers:
    • Recognizing when you are triggered by negative emotions or limiting beliefs impacting your mindset is the first step. Stacy suggests identifying physical sensations or emotional responses that indicate you are out of alignment with your highest self. This awareness allows you to pause and shift your state.
  • Anchoring Techniques:
    • Creating physical anchors can help you access desired states more easily. For example, tapping on specific points on your body can trigger feelings of calmness or empowerment, allowing you to embody the energy of your highest self before engaging in important activities.
  • Visualization and Affirmation:
    • Visualizing your future selves and affirming your desired outcomes can reinforce your connection to your highest self. By imagining yourself as already having achieved your goals, you align your beliefs and actions with that reality.
  • Surrounding Ourselves with Expanders:
    • Surrounding yourself with individuals who demonstrate the success and mindset you want to achieve can broaden your own belief in what’s possible. By engaging with expanders, you’re constantly reminded that success is achievable, and it helps shift your perspective towards growth and possibility.


The Importance of Mindset and Action

While connecting with our highest self is vital, it is equally important to recognize that mindset alone is not enough. Stacy points out that many people understand the significance of mindset but lack the tools to implement change effectively. It is essential to couple your mindset work with actionable steps that align with your goals.

  • Identifying Habits:
    • Your habits shape your identity. To manifest financial freedom, you must adopt the habits of those who have achieved it. This includes being proactive, seeking opportunities and taking calculated risks.
  • Creating a Solution-Focused Approach:
    • Instead of dwelling on problems, Stacy encourages a solution-focused mindset. This involves shifting your attention from what is lacking to what is possible, allowing you to see opportunities where you once saw obstacles.
  • Embracing the Energy of Money:
    • Understanding that money is a resource that fuels your experiences is crucial. By shifting your beliefs about money from scarcity to abundance, you can attract more financial opportunities into your life.

Taking Action from a Place of Empowerment

Mindset work must be coupled with action. Stacy points out that wealthy individuals take specific actions that align with their beliefs about money. By stepping into the identity of someone who is financially free, you can begin to adopt the habits and behaviours that lead to that reality.

Unlock your full potential: The Power of Beliefs and Mindset

Listen to the full episode here

