The moon is a powerful energy source, and you can use the moon cycles to more deeply align with your highest self and facilitate your self-growth.

The moon cycles influence on emotions, and personal energy is rooted in its phases, which have been associated with different aspects of human behaviour and spiritual practices for a long time. There are many examples of this, including from Wiccan and pagan communities who use it for intention-setting and manifesting. Many Indigenous cultures also perform moon ceremonies for many different purposes of their daily life.

The gravitational pull of the moon affects tides and has been believed to influence our internal energies and emotions. Each moon phase—from new to full—corresponds to different opportunities for setting intentions, manifesting desires and releasing what no longer serves us.

By aligning your personal growth practices with the moon cycles, you can harness this natural rhythm to support your journey toward becoming your highest self. The moon’s phases offer a structured approach to setting goals, taking action, reflecting on progress and letting go of your limiting beliefs. 

This cyclical pattern not only enhances self-awareness but also helps you stay connected with your deeper intentions, guiding you toward a more balanced and fulfilled life.


How to use the moon cycles for the biggest impact:

New Moon: The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle and symbolizes new beginnings. It’s a time for setting intentions and planting seeds for future growth. Harness this energy by focusing on your goals and desires, envisioning what you want to manifest in your life.

The day before, day of, and day after the new moon, spend some time setting your intentions for new beginnings and goals. While doing this, try saying or writing this mantra.

“I welcome new beginnings and set powerful intentions for growth.”

Waxing Moon: As the moon grows, so does the energy. This phase is ideal for taking action toward your goals. Focus on building momentum, developing new habits, and nurturing your intentions with consistent effort.

After the new moon, as it’s growing, start taking time each day to take action toward the goals you set during your new moon ritual. While doing this, try saying or writing this mantra.

“I take inspired action towards my goals, building momentum each day.”

Full Moon: The full moon represents culmination and clarity. It’s a powerful time for reflection, celebrating achievements, and releasing what no longer serves you. I love writing a forgiveness list and a gratitude list during this ritual as a way of releasing what I don’t want to hold onto anymore and showing appreciation for the good things in my life. Use this phase to assess your progress, express gratitude, and let go of limiting beliefs.

The day before, day of, and day after the full moon is the most powerful time to perform a releasing ritual. Write your list of times to release or forgive and then burn it. Literally, get rid of it of them. While doing this, try saying or writing this mantra.

“I celebrate my achievements and release what no longer serves me.”

Waning Moon: As the moon wanes, the energy shifts toward introspection and release. This phase is perfect for deep inner work, clearing out the old to make space for new growth. Embrace this time to rest, recharge and prepare for the next cycle with renewed focus on your highest self.

After the full moon, as it heads toward being new again, this is the best time to release control, dive into your own inner work, do visualizations, and create lots of space for the next new moon to be able to manifest the new goals and intentions. While doing this, try saying or writing this mantra.

“I embrace rest and reflection, clearing space for new growth.”
Harnessing the Power of Moon Cycles to Align with Your Highest Self

Practical Tips for Alignment with the Moon Cycles

  • Moon Journalling: Track your emotions and goals through each phase.
  • Rituals and Meditation: Simple practices to connect with your inner self during each phase.
  • Using Moon Calendars: Stay aware of moon phases and align activities accordingly.
  • Breathwork Practice: Use specific breathwork techniques to sync with lunar energy.
  • Visualization: Visualize your goals and growth during meditation.
  • Energy Clearing: Regularly cleanse your space and aura.
  • Affirmations: Create and repeat affirmations tailored to each moon phase.
  • Gratitude Practice: Cultivate gratitude daily to stay grounded.
  • Mindful Movement: Engage in yoga or tai chi to align your body with lunar rhythms.
  • Moon Bathing: Spend time under the moonlight to absorb its energy.
  • Set Boundaries: Review and strengthen your personal boundaries.
  • Creative Expression: Channel lunar energy into art, writing, or other creative outlets.


Looking for a way to know exactly what’s going on with the moon cycles and what each day means and brings? Check out the MoonX app!

Aligning with the moon cycles offers a powerful way to foster personal growth and connect more deeply with your highest self journey. By tuning into the natural rhythms of the moon, you can enhance your spiritual practices, set meaningful intentions and create space for reflection and release.

I encourage you to explore lunar practices and see how they can deepen your connection with your highest self, bringing clarity, purpose and balance into your life.


You have the power to manifest all of your dreams and the ability to use the resources around you, such as the moon cycles, to do it.


It’s about taking the right steps and the right actions that move the needle forward in a realistic, life-giving way.


That’s why the Highest Self Academy was created as a membership with short techniques that help you heal and strive toward different goals. You can pick and choose what your journey needs, and you only need a couple of minutes.


We want to redefine the way you connect with your goals and experience the journey. We do that by:


  • Embracing slower living
  • Discovering your true purpose
  • Shedding those pesky limiting beliefs
  • Unlocking your subconscious power
  • Creating a personalized path to growth
  • Aligning with your dream life

If you want to effortlessly achieve any goal you set and all your dreams (in an aligned way, check out the Highest Self Academy.
