Here’s the thing…

You’ve got your energy in check…
You’ve got your clarity in check…

But you’re still not manifesting the way you want and the things you want. It feels like you’re doing all of the right things, the right way but it’s just not happening. How frustrating.

…but what about your hair?

Hair you ask? What could hair possibly have to do with manifesting?

We have to remember, everything is connected and energy is everything. So, it’s safe to assume that every part of you is part of the process of manifesting.

First of all, let’s think about how long your hair has been growing on your head. Depending on the length of your hair, it’s possible that same hair has been with you for YEARS.

Hair holds energy. 

For hair to be with us for so long and for it to hold energy, we’d have to also consider that our hair holds memories, beliefs and our identity (it does come from our head after all). We all like different hairstyles and over time that changes.

Ever felt drawn to completely chop off your hair after a breakup or stressful event? It could even be over a good but stressful time – like planning a wedding. We’re feeling the need to cut the ties with that energy.

It makes sense right?

In many religions and cultures, hair is also considered sacred. Different types and styles are important for different reasons and how hair is managed, worn and, ultimately, cut, is important.

So, imagine your hair like the crown you never take off – you queen.

It would seem that the better we take care of our hair, the more sacred of a crown we wear.

Because everything is connected and it all starts at the top of our head and moves down our energy centers (chakras) if we want it to flow with ease, we’ll want to start at the scalp; a top-down approach.

If you don’t take care of your hair, especially your scalp, that can impact other energy centres across your body which has a direct impact on your manifesting ability.

Even if you focus on taking care of your energy in other areas, not taking care of your scalp (which is the top of your body) can have a ripple effect you might not know you need to take care of.

To take care of your scalp, you’ll want to:

  • Encourage blood flow (gua sha, eat dark leafy greens to nourish the blood and avoid too much-processed foods which can block energy from flowing.
  • Nourish the scalp with an oil treatment and/or serum to support your follicle strength
  • Collagen for hair structure support (bone broth, B-vitamins).
  • Use naturally derived products that hydrate and nourish your scalp and hair.

Using products with natural ingredients ensures you don’t cause a build-up or blockage that can impact your energy centres and in turn your manifestation process.

Looking for natural-based products to support both your overall health and well-being as well as, start truly manifesting your wildest dreams starting at the top? Reach out (either by email or Instagram) and I’ll create you a custom haircare kit designed with your specific hair and needs in mind.

From there, you’ll have access to my support as you continue with both your hair journey as well as your journey to become your highest self and manifest the life of your dreams.

