What’s the name of that pesky little voice that says mean things in your head? I know you’ve got one.

We assume that little voice is there to support us. To keep us safe. But she doesn’t always have your best interest at heart.

Sometimes she thinks she’s protecting you but she’s really just hurting you. She says all kinds of nasty and hurtful things to keep you stuck in the same place.

The same place is safe.
Your comfort zone is safe.

But safe isn’t always the best option. Sometimes safe is the worst option.

That little voice is the voice of your limiting beliefs. The beliefs that you hold about yourself and your ability. The ones that are sitting in the back of your mind that have developed from your childhood experiences or your trauma.

They serve a purpose.

All thoughts serve a purpose. But just because they serve a purpose does not mean they’re what you should follow. It does not mean that you should stick with them. Addiction serves a purpose but it doesn’t mean it’s a good purpose.

A limiting belief is defined as a belief that restricts you in some way and is most often not true.

Based on this definition we can assume that a limiting belief is not a good thing and does not actually have our best interests at heart.

But don’t worry…

We all have them. No one is immune to the power of the limiting beliefs.

Some people are more aware of them. Some people have already put in the work to overcome them but everyone has them.

Even those who had an idyllic childhood (HA) have them.

But why does it even matter that we know what a limiting belief is if it’s not actually hurting you?

Because it actually is hurting you.

Okay, maybe not in the most obvious or physical way. But I can bet that your limiting beliefs are holding you back from reaching your fullest potential.

I bet there is something you have always wished you could do or be or achieve that the little voice in your head said “No, we can’t do that” or “That’s unrealistic.”

Come on. Be honest with yourself.

What is that thing that you’ve always wanted to do but you thought was unrealistic or you had to take the responsible path and pay bills to take care of your family?

That’s how it’s hurting you. It convinced you that that thing was unattainable and now you go around convinced that you can’t.


So, let’s stop and think this through. 


Your first step needs to be to take some time to think about what limiting beliefs you actually hold.

For example, “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “you can’t make money being XYZ,” “I’m not a good XYZ,” or “you have to go to university so you can get a good paying job.”

Now, it’s your turn. Write down all of the beliefs you hold that are holding you back.


Your second step is to analyze. Here are my top three prompts for analyzing your limiting beliefs.
  1. What are the immediate emotions that surface when you read your limiting beliefs out loud?
  2. What thoughts arise around the limiting beliefs when you read them out loud?
  3. Is it true?

Understanding what a limiting belief is, how it impacts your life and what your specific beliefs are can be an important first step to healing your trauma. 

Limiting beliefs are powerful but you must remember… You are the thinker of your thoughts. You are the one actually in control. You just need to go and take your control back.

Challenge your limiting beliefs and then change them so they serve your best interest. Make them work for you. 


Want to find out which limiting belief is deeply engrained and holding you back? Take this quiz to find out that and more!